Nits Salvatges - 5th edition

Nits Salvatges (Wild Nights) is an event that brings together eight new and specific actions by artists from differents fields. 


A two-days project, curated by La Porta, that invites us to share the ephemeral reality, the luxurious act, unpredictable stimuli between the body and the word, between the anecdote and the reflection, between the essay and the romantic illusion.


Both sessions could be followed on streaming with the collaboration of

Friday April 23rd

- Oscar Abril Ascaso: Acció Ibèrica nº 1: Acte fundacional d'Acció Iberista (Fundational Act of Acción Iberista)
- Colectivo 96º: FINGIR #1 (To Pretend#1)
- Amalia Fernández: En construcción (Under Construction)
- Esther Ferrer: ¿Es esto una performance? (Is This a Performance?)

Saturday April 24th

- Abraham Hurtado: Collective Unconsciousness
- Elena Córdoba - Cristóbal Pera: El amor y la herida (Love and Wound)
- Gérald Kurdian: My first club song ever
- Davis Freeman: One night only

WhereCCCB - C/ Montalegre, 5 - 08001 Barcelona
When: at 9pm
Price: 5 euros / Reduced: 3 euros

APPETITES. Aware that the Nits Salvatges are new experiences that can be open until the last moment, we generate some previous publications that contain certain aspects of the work of each participants. Something like "opening the appetite" through a convenient relation with their present moment. We enclose these appetites with a series of links that contain information of their trajectory.