Luftpause: a breath mark, an interval of air where one can catch one's breath, in the silent gaps of a sentence and derail the speech to go and inhale in the body's barely inspired gutter. Punctuations. Pebbles. Slip-ups. Accidents.
But also Holdups, twisters, whirlpools in the flow of words that rush, gurgling, towards the black hole of a blank at the letter's core.
But given that the subject of this speech nursed by silence condemns theoretical work to sure sadness: In the end, what is the essence, the secretion, the secret of all modernity? To include breath in the economy of dance. To include sighs into the economy of thought.
Personal mircro-commissions to artists, thinkers, creators... in which the conference format takes on new perspectives. Through these artefacts we want to open up a space, where both guests and audiences can come into contact with the thinking process, not just results. In order to lay bare an idea or reflexion, and come together in an off-stage context. A chance to learn about the guest's ideas without necessary framing it within his or her work.
We're interested in encouraging gaps - bubbles in which artists can develop a line of investigation in total freedom. We want to face the task, together, of coming face to face with the challenge/practice of practicing new formats and presentation environments as a breeding ground for criteria and critique, giving impetus to creative thinking.