Federica Porello

Federica Porello graduated from P.A.R.T.S. (performing art, research and training studios), Brussels, in 2006. She's currently working with Albert Quesada, Spanish choreographer and dancer, member of the Company Zoo directed by Thomas Hauert, on the piece Solo on Bach and Glenn, premiered at Theatre Garonne, Toulouse (2009), and on Solos Bach and Gould premiered at Nadine, Bruxelles (2010), Frank Verkruyssen, Flemish director and actor, member of the Company Tg Stan, in the piece The Tangible (2010), and Merlin Borg, French puppetteer, founder of the Company Adonk, in the itinerary performance created for the Journées du patrimoine of Rouen, Promenade avec Monseigneur du Réel (2010).
Amongst her works: Niets Verliets Iets (2006), a monologue created with the help of Mathias DeKoning (founder of the collective Discordia, Amsterdam), based on the book The Speed Queen by Stewart O'Nan and Teaching Set and Reset/Reset (2010), a documentary on the teaching of the repertory piece of the Trisha Brown Company, Set and Reset, made by Trisha Brown in 1983, and still part of the curriculum of different dance schools worldwide.