Who is Acácio Nobre?
"The history always had its preferences", said Acácio Nobre, "and that's why I prefer the absinth to forget it!".
In this video I tried to recreate a film of Acácio Nobre, the oldest of the Portuguese futurists' circle, the youngest of the French surrealists' circle and a republican activist in a period that it was cool to support the monarchy.
In spite of his evident contribution to each of these circles, his personality (in an apparent way) grey and his conviction that the work should remain anonymous (to be able to survive the artist), led to very few documentation about this author and about the real impact of his work in the Portuguese History Art's books.
"I want to be dead when I'm dead! That my work lives by itself! The truth immortality is only reached when we manage with absolute and true certainty to faint of this world" said Acácio Nobre.
The fragment that I reconstructed intends that.
About the video subject
As we know, Acácio Nobre had this habit of traveling without suitcase, his goal was never to arrive home and for that, he never took anything that it might make him feel comfortable in a new place.
Acácio Nobre arrived to the marked destination as if it were unexpected. The first thing that did was to buy clothes, preferably on sales and of good quality and he never went back with the suit with which he had gone out in order to consider itself a completely different man when he went back (or arrived) to one new or to the same place again.
The only thing I steal is ideas de Acácio Nobre / Patricia Portela & Irmã Lucia efeitos especiais
The only thing I steal is ideas, is a video based/inspired on the lost fotogram by fotogram work of Acácio Nobre of many internationally claimed art pieces. Acácio spent more than 20 years of his life copying art works and mingling them, juxtaposing them, transforming them in one big enormous colective art work without a signature.