Sin título, en colores (Without title, in colours)

Ion Munduate

Untitled refers to thinking without text, I am interested in not having something coded as a support, such as text language, and to focus on the language of the body, of its activity and of image.

Untitled, in colours is a piece which follows the idea of hieroglyphic continuity as a pattern; therefore, it has no narrative order, and the distance among its different events is premeditated, so that the previous events are vital in order to produce the required state towards the following event or action. The piece is based on the search of a third: person or element; with the purpose to escape from a binary and bidimensional reading of things, of reality.
Untitled, in colours is the meeting of a trio made of a choreographer, a pianist, and an aizkolari.

March 25th, 21:30h
Mercat de les Flors, Sala Pina Bausch

Length: 1 h

With: Iñar Sastre, Joseba Otaegi and Ion Munduate
Music: J. S. Bach and popular
Artistic assistance: Blanca Calvo

Co-produced by Departamento de Cultura del Gobierno Vasco, Entrecuerpos - Mugatxoan Asoc. and Arteleku Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundia.
With the collaboration of Gipuzkoako Dantzagunea-Arteleku and el Festival BAD Bilbao.