Morir Nunca

Morir Nunca - el conde de torrefiel
Morir Nunca - el conde de torrefiel

In 1991 Juan Pablo II modifies the traditional Viacrucis (Stations of the Cross). Since that date the Jesus’ road of pain finishes at the Resurrection Station.

En 1991 Juan Pablo II modifica el tradicional Viacrucis. Desde entonces la vía dolorosa de Jesús culmina con la Estación de La Resurrección.

Good, definitely, died in the nineteenth Century. Paradise had to be evacuated, and thus we lost the chance of winning the Big Price. During the Twentieth Century we had to content ourselves just with the consolation prize: Hope. Hope is something no one really knows what is it, but even though we trust in it. Now, at the beginning of the Twenty-first Century, it’s already known that there is no reward for living. To be part of existence is simply one more formality. We can only celebrate our immortality. Human beings continue to be unstoppable, whatever they do.

Our joy and our punishment

A video by el conde de torrefiel

An idea by Pablo Gisbert and Tanya Beyeler