I am here

A solo by João Fiadeiro based on the work of Helena Almeida.

In I Am Here, João Fiadeiro embraces the metaphysics of spatial inscription, breaking apart each instant and taking it to its death.

-Gerard Mayen-

The idea of inhabiting has always been present in Fiadeiro's work. The idea of occupying a body, emptying and inhabiting it has been at the centre of his creative work over the last few years. Following this line has taken him to inhabit the imaginary of the great artist Helena Almeida. Her work itself is an impulse that tries to open up a space, (which wants to) escape, from whatever.

After Self(ish)-Portrait and since I'm Sitting in a Room, all of Fiadeiro's performances aim for the invisibility of the body, affirming not the trying to do things with by body, but looking within that which my body, in fact, has done. Fiadeiro thinks of the body as a reflexive tool for execution, not an action or expression machine. In I Am Here, this mediation of the body, which gives false evidence through its presence or representation, is emphasised especially when a second body is summoned: the body of the work of Helena Almeida.

Artistic directior, choreographer, performer:  João Fiadeiro

Stage design:  Walter Lauterer

Video and lighting design:  Daniel Demont

Sound design:  Jean-Michel Olivares and  Manuel Coursin

Sound:   «Vê-me» (1979) by Helena Almeida

Stage direction:  João Fiadeiro, Marie Mignot
Executive production:  RE.AL

Co-produced by:  Centre National de la Danse, Centre Georges Pompidou / Les Spectacles Vivants, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian / Délégation en France, Centro Cultural de Belém / Centro de Exposições, RE.AL. With the support of: the Centre Chorégraphique National de Montpellier Languedoc-Roussillon, the Centro Coreográfico de Montemor-o-Novo / Espaço do Tempo, Lusitânia-companhia de seguros.

RE.AL is supported by the Ministerio da Cultura (MC) / Instituto das Artes (IA) de Portugal.
Thanks to:  Tiago Guedes, Luís Araújo, Delfim Sardo, Mathilde Monnier [y a todo el equipo del Centre Chorégraphique de Montpellier], Annie Tolleter, Marta Wengorovius, João Garcia Miguel [y al equipo de Especial Nada], Rui Horta, Luís Bombico, Rui Catalão.