Espacio cómodo

An opportunity to discuss and learn about the ideas and points of view behind WP Zimmer, a support structure for emerging artists. Director Barbara Van Lindt will talk about the project, and there will be documentation showing the way it operates and material about the artists they collaborate with.

We all know the word zimmer because we've seen it on the multi-lingual signs that we find in cities and tourist areas:  habitaciones-chambres-rooms-zimmer, it's a welcoming word and it suggests what we want to offer: hospitality for artists.  WP is the abbreviation of werkplaats, which means  workshop, a concept that we define with the idea that:  WP Zimmer works with people, not with projects.  For us, a workshop is a space where artists, specially emerging artists, should be able to develop their work. We help artists in the initial stages before they have access to other forms of support or funding.

For some artists, this can mean five months of rehearsals in our space, for others it means locating co-producers or finding the funding they need to cover design and technical material costs.

We want to perform a significant role in their development, which means offering them opportunities and a network that fits the specific needs of each artist, in order to be good ambassadors.  Overall, artists are the central concern of WP Zimmer, so the audience is on a second level.  But when the public becomes important to the artist we are working with, we start to think about possible platforms for their work, either in Antwerp or elsewhere.  At the moment, we're working with theatres and festivals such as Monty, ccbe, Hotel Ideal Festival, Vooruit and others.

WP Zimmer doesn't limit it's scope to dance, it also works with artists in the areas of visual and physical theatre, as well as performance artists.

WP Zimmer is currently working with the following artists:  Charlotte Vanden Eynde, Patricia Portela, Brice Leroux, Claire Croize, Iris Bouche, Edith Kaldor, Rebecca September, Nada Gambier and Etienne Guilloteau.

WP Zimmer = Artistic direction: Barbara Van Lindt. Administrative director:  Patrick Sterck. Production and public relations: Ilse Vandesande. Production assistant:  Natalie Schrauwen. Technical director:  Peter de Goy.