CV’series is a group of short videoworks about remembering oneself back in time.
CV’ series/ PART I
CV'series/ PART II
CV'series/ PART III
CV'series/ PART IV
The similarity with the coincidence
For this Supernatural III, I’ve choosen to work on an idea that was originally conceived as a performance (Template for autobiography), taking it as a reference point from where to develop a case-studie in relation to the following themes:
a resume of a personal trajectory; a linear way to represent time and the possibilities to engage the spectators of this trajectory in an a very specific way.
As a working procedure I’ve choosen to make interviews with different people that shared a similar background between them as well an individual video registration at studio based on the content of that first interview.
My pursuit was to make a possible summary on what they have told me about them and what they could physically re-call as memories on particullar moments of their lives.
In terms of images I have searched to create a situation with its own timing and characteristics so to say, each person at the moment of the registration itself and into contexts that could be shown as what they were: a working session at a studio. Then, the camera work was made at the spot to also go along with the same purpose.
From this material I have made a template for images common to all the cases, relating the footage of each person with textual quotations as hints easily apprehensive for the spectators.
The fact that these works are presented as a serie comes from the working process to the results and no the other way around. The repetition of using the same way of approaching each resume has established a systematic frame from which I’ve organized my impresions regarding what I saw in these people and how I decided to show it each time.
The results I have come to are resume’s versions that negociates its meaning and definitive content with each spectator by presenting a chronology of ephemeral details of moments “in between”, “during” and/or “after” of what it is retained of a memory.