Animal, vegetal y mineral

iberics (2007)

A garden down to the very last detail


Phone... home...

-E.T., Steven Spielberg (1982)-

It's true that many animals look like their owners, or vice versa; and it's also true that this similarity is only visible to others. Nobody ever says: I look like my dog. Let's think for a moment, just one moment, about babies. A baby has to look like its owners and, as such, any human being with a blood relationship to a new arrival will abuse his or her judgement in deciphering who the baby looks like; unlike a stranger, who will never detect any reasonable similarity. How confusing life can be, when we talk about the little details. Animal, vegetal y mineral synthesises, within the frame of an installation-intervention, some of the formal processes that characterise as human those irrevocable conflicts of meaning.

White and without the slightest trace of creative solidarity, Zumo Natural presents a cosy audiovisual display designed specially for LP'07 – festival de danza…o no, in which they will specify alliances between the best of the distinguished and the most hostile of the distant, who will qualify the installation as a shrewd display of poetic and artistic material, while offering the viewing public a discreet approach to the domains of the most brutal creative experimentation. During the final days of the event, the first floor of the Mercat de les Flors will host this remarkably spring-like installations made up of flowery artistic works that will delight all nature lovers.

Here you can watch some videos related to the exhibition

Created by: Zumo Natural (Javier Álvarez and José Julián Soánez)