Created by João Fiadeiro in 1990, RE.AL (REsposta.ALternativa) has been working continuously, since its formation, on the production and diffusion of choreographic projects, as well as on the organization of events related to professional training and artistic research.

From the beginning, RE.AL's primary motivation has been the development and promotion of reflection on contemporary artistic creation. This reflection comes about through and from contemporary dance, not only because it represents an exceptionally propitious space for the development of truly innovative subjects and initiatives, but also because it brings together, in a direct and extended way, numerous artists who do not identify themselves with any specific territory.

Its productions are often partnerships and coproductions with internationally recognized institutions and events, for example, the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, the Centro Cultural de Belém, or Culturgest in Lisbon; the European Capitals of Culture: Lisbon 1994, Porto 2001, Lille 2004; the National Capitals of Culture: Coimbra 2003, Faro 2005; the Centre Pompidou, the Centre National de la Danse, the Théâtre de la Bastille, the Parc de La Villette in Paris; the Centre Chorégraphique National de Montpellier (France), the TanzQuartier Wien in Vienna (Austria), the Festival de La Bâtie in Geneva (Switzerland) and the Festival International de Nouvelle Dance (FIND) in Montreal (Canada). They were also performed in Germany, England, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, Scotland, Spain, the United States of America, France, Greece, Holland, Hungary, Italy, Portugal, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland and the Czech Republic.

During the past few years, RE.AL has produced shows such as Existência (2002) and I Am Here (2003) by João Fiadeiro, and has started to produce, support and internationalise the work of two young choreographers, Tiago Guedes and Cláudia Dias with the creation of the performances Materiais Diversos (Various Materials) (2003), Trio (2005) and Matrioska (2007) by Tiago Guedes, and One Woman Show (2003) and Visita Guiada (Guided Visit) by Cláudia Dias.

Of the regular projects organised by RE.AL, the LAB initiative, which was first shown in 1993, is the most outstanding. The LAB's main purpose is to assist an artist who is beginning a creation project, in clarifying and putting to test both the substance of the creative process and the conversion of intentions into effective choices.

Since January 2005, RE.AL has secured its own space, the Atelier RE.AL, where the LAB and several artistic research and training projects have already been organized.

RE.AL is an organisation financed by DGArtes / MC (the Portuguese Ministry of Culture).