Paz Rojo

(Madrid 1974). Graduated in choreography by the School for New Dance Development, Amsterdam (SNDO- 1996-2000). Since 2000 creates her own work: It's my ass you've been thinking about (2000-2009); This body doesn't have a title yet (2002-2003); Basic Dance, with the choreographer Cristian Duarte (2004-2007); and After Talk , with Ricardo Santana and Dr. Kurogo (2008-2010). She is being producing performative interventions in alternative formats of exhibition and presentation such as the project These Theses (2004-2009) with Gesture 1 this is love (a letter to the spectator, 2004); Gesture 2 This is Hospitality (an staged dialogue at the Anatomical Theatre Revisited conference in the University Theatre, 2006) and Gesture 3 This is Fidelity (an intervention-response to Ivana's Muller video lecture On Belief, 2007); Blanca Nieves no está muerta (2009 -a diary performatively read as an ex/student-) for the Spring Dance Festival in Utrecht in collaboration with SNDO/AHK Theaterschool; The Commission (2009)-commissioned piece for the festival IM Together (Grand Theater, Groningen). NOSOTROS HABLAMOS (personifyed read for (un) COLECTIVO for the meeting Networks and Spaces of Collective Creation at La Caldera, Barcelona 2010); and the choreographic gestur Lo que sea moviéndose así commisioned by LA PORTA in the frame of the nights LEGO- Festival LP'11, Barcelona 2011).

Since 2004 she has been active in organizing, coordinating, curating and facilitating various frameworks, discussions, workshops and projects which involve education, research and artistic production altogether, such the project VOCABULABORATORIES (2007-2009) with the media artist and researcher Manuela Zechner, that includes laboratories internationally engaged with different contexts -social, artistic-experimental- and a publication coordinated and edited by both; LISA (2003-2009),  artistic platform that fomented interdisciplinary projects, experimental frame-works, curating projects related such Structure Multifunction, An Academy, Lisa meets Sophie, Lisa live(s) at kikker; the festival IM TOGETHER  (Groningen, 2009)  that she coordinates together with Ivana Muller.

She has been collaborator and dancer in the project The Half beside the choreographer Diego Gil and the dramatist Igor Dobricic; participant in scenic migrations (Madrid 2011, ARTEA); she is professor and tutor of different projects in the School For New Dance Development (Amsterdam); creator of the laboratory choreography: a problem to practice (Madrid, Barcelona, Moscow, Vienna); Charter member, producer of the frame of collective work A piece... together? beside the Brazilian choreographer Cristian Duarte (2010-2011).