Lidia González (Madrid, 1974) is licentiate in Interpretation (speciality of Gest) by the Institut del Teatre of Barcelona. In 1999 she founded, beside Marta Pelegrina the company Amaranto, with which she created the shows Sis Ens (directed by Toni Mira) (1999), Hamlet Music Hall (2000), Marea Baixa (2002), Tazón de sopa china y un tenedor (o hacer el gilipollas) (2004), Indignos (2005) and Four Movements For Survival (2007). Besides, she has taken part in the productions, Superpop beside Txalo Toloza (2007) and Las Perras beside Amalia Fernández and Vicente Arlandis (2007). In 2008 with David Franch she founded Colectivo 96º, with which she created the shows Encontré un trozo de mí en un vertedero (Es Baluard - Museu d'Art Modern i Contemporani de Palma de Mallorca, June 2008), Después de mí, epitafios (Centro Párraga, Murcia, October 2008) and Dar patadas para no desaparecer (Festival de Teatro de Terrassa, April 2009).